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The Alchemy of Movement

A Pilates & Yoga blend with Maiwenn…

Alchemy can be defined as the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained by simple words. An example of using alchemy is a person who takes a pile of scrap metal and crafts it into a beautiful unique piece of art.

Movement can be defined as changing locations or positions, there is no fixed middle or end... everything flows and tasks can be achieved along the way.

During movement if you want to turn the ordinary into extraordinary then the perspective must go inward. You must give audience to the sensations in your body.

How can we learn to make everyday functional tasks exquisite movements that we connect to and enjoy on such a deep level that we can’t find the words to describe them.

Let’s explore...

Let’s be creative,

Let’s give our bodies the chance to speak in their language.

During this session we will be applying similar intentions to fundamental functional movements and allowing you the opportunity to colour outside the lines.

Find a deeper connection & greater sense of autonomy with your body. Though exercises may start the same, my hope is that they will end up looking completely different and that you will end up feeling so soooo good!

20 February

A Beginners Guide

11 April

New Moon Mandala Workshop