A time in circle together to meet the beautiful spirit of Cacao.
Cacao is an ancient and potent plant medicine from South and Central America. Revered for many many years, cacao has the ability to open our hearts and to connect us with our inner wisdom, our ancestors and calls us home to ourselves.
We will meet in circle, learn a bit about ceremonial cacao (it is very different to “hot chocolate”, still very delicious) and then you will be guided through an inner journey of encountering the Sprit of Cacao. The cacao will be prepared in a ceremonial way for us and there will be time for sharing our experiences together afterwards.
Claudia Balara is a mother to two daughters, two stepsons, one dog and four chickens. She is an educator, aromatherapist/ aroma point master healer and a guardian of cacao and women’s circles. She has a regular meditation practice of thirty years, which may sound impressive, but really, she still works on being more patient and present every single day.
Please bring your journal and a pen.£30
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